
Extensive technical capabilities and expert technicians with deep domain knowledge for repairing metal and complex composite structures.

Extensive experience with upper and lower deck aircraft doors from AOG to stocked units. From simple inspections to more complex skin and frame replacements ATS covers the door market.  On-site NDI allows for quick determination of serviceability on complex frame and beam arrangements.  ATS has all required holding fixtures and jigs need to ensure that the door maintains structural soundness throughout the shop visit which translates to doors that will fit and rig properly when installed.  ATS in-house machining and advanced metal forming capabilities can allow for fabrication of complex and hard-to-find beams and fittings resulting in reduced TAT. Types of repairs for aircraft doors include:

  • Impact damage
  • Skin replacements
  • Worn latches
  • Cracked beams and frames
  • Typical wear and tear
  • AD/SB compliance

  Brady McGuinness
  Director, Business Development
  Fort Worth, TX USA
  Phone: +1 214 673 9806